
Our specialist centre offers a wide range of office-based and advanced diagnostic investigations.

Flexible Cystoscopy

Flexible cystoscopy is an informative minimally invasive office-based test that allows a review of the inner lining of urethra and bladder. A thin fibre-optic camera (cystoscopy) is inserted through the opening of the penis called the meatus. The inspection is completed within a couple of minutes.

Uroflow and post void bladder scan

Another office-based non-invasive test in which the urinary flow can be assessed to aid in identifying obstruction that leads to slow urination. For this investigation you should attend the appointment with a full bladder. In addition to this an ultrasound investigation of the bladder is performed after voiding to assess post void residual urine that may be retained in the bladder.

Urodynamic Studies

This test helps diagnose lower urinary tract issues that may impact negatively on your quality of life. Urodynamic studies show how well your bladder, sphincters and urethra work in storing and releasing urine. This may help to identify when your bladder is unexpectedly contracting.

Fusion biopsy technology

Fusion is created by combining your prostate MRI images with the real-time ultrasound images which allows pinpointing of suspicious areas in your prostate with astounding accuracy. Now tissue sampling can be offered in a much more thorough fashion than before.


Sonography uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the body. Its usage in Urology focuses on the kidneys, prostate and male genitalia.

Computed Tomography (CT)

This diagnostic tool is a computerised x-ray imaging investigation to assess structures within the body. Structures of particular interest in Urology are the kidneys, ureters, bladder and lymph nodes.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI is another non-invasive imaging technique that produces detailed images of almost every internal structure in the human body. It has particular application in prostate investigations.

Book a consultation

Consultant urological care for both common and specialist conditions. Werner offers a broad spectrum of international urological expertise with a subspecialist interest in prostate cancer care.